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Young Men's Sexual and Reproductive Health: Toward a National Strategy (Getting Started)

Young Men's Sexual and Reproductive Health: Toward a National Strategy (Getting Started)

YoungMen’s SexualANDReproductive HealthToward a National StrategyFreya L. Sonenstein, editorGETTING STARTED Young Men’s SexualANDReproductive Health:Toward a National StrategyGetting StartedFreya L. Sonenstein, editorTHEURBANINSTITUTE2100 M ST., NWWASHINGTON, DC 20037 Copyright © December 2000. The Urban Institute. All rights reserved.Except for short quotes, no part of this book may be reproduced or utilizedin any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-copying, recording, or by information storage or retrieval system, withoutwritten permission from the Urban Institute. The Urban Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research and educa-tional organization that examines the social, economic, and governanceproblems facing the nation. The views expressed are those of the authors andshould not be attributed to the Urban Institute, its trustees, or its funders. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis report was prepared with support from the Office of PopulationAffairs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Many indi-viduals contributed to its development. In particular, the workinggroup would like to acknowledge the able research assistance provid-ed by Karen Alexander and Stacey Phillips and the meeting supportprovided by Sonja Drumgoole and the staff at Airlie House in Airlie,Virginia. In addition, program administrators attending a workshop atthe Male Advocacy Network meeting in New Orleans, November 8–10,1999, provided many examples of how organizations could achievethe five program objectives for promoting young men’s sexual andreproductive health. Their suggestions are reflected in the frameworkpresented for comprehensive program approaches. 4Young Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health:Toward a National Strategy*Bruce Armstrong, D.S.W.Associate Clinical ProfessorHeilbrunn Center for Populationand Family HealthColumbia University Mailman School of Public HealthNew York, N.Y.David L. Bell, M.D., M.P.H.Assistant Clinical Professor &Medical Director of Young Men’s ClinicHeilbrunn Center for Populationand Family HealthNew York Presbyterian HospitalNew York, N.Y.*Claire Brindis, Dr.P.H.Professor, Department ofPediatrics,Division of Adolescent Medicine,& Director, Center forReproductive Health Research and PolicyUniversity of California–SanFranciscoSan Francisco, Calif.K.D. BurkettProject DirectorLegacy Resource GroupCarlisle, Iowa*Obie Clayton, Ph.D.Professor of Sociology & Director, Morehouse ResearchInstituteMorehouse CollegeAtlanta, Ga.Alwyn T. Cohall, M.D.Director, Harlem HealthPromotion CenterAssociate Professor of ClinicalPublic Health and PediatricsColumbia UniversityMailman School of Public HealthDivision of SociomedicalSciencesNew York, N.Y.Barbara CohenPolicy AnalystOffice of PopulationAffairs/Office of FamilyPlanningBethesda, Md.Jonathan M. Ellen, M.D.Assistant Professor of PediatricsDivision of General Pediatricsand Adolescent MedicineJohn Hopkins University Schoolof MedicineBaltimore, Md.*Arthur Elster, M.D.Director, Clinical and PublicHealth Practice OutcomesAmerican Medical AssociationChicago, Ill.Shawn Gibson, M.H.S.DirectorAdolescent ProgramsFamily Planning CouncilPhiladelphia, Pa.Irvienne GoldsonEducation and Training ManagerHealth Services DepartmentAction for Boston CommunityDevelopmentBoston, Mass.Bill Gruchow, Ph.D.Director Institute for Health, Science andSocietyUniversity of North Carolina atGreensboroGreensboro, N.C.Tamara Kreinin, M.A.Director of State and LocalAffairsNational Campaign to PreventTeen PregnancyWashington, D.C.Laura Lindberg, Ph.D.Senior Research AssociateThe Urban InstituteWashington, D.C.*Dorothy MannExecutive Director, FamilyPlanning CouncilPhiladelphia, Pa.Sue Moskosky, M.S., RNCDeputy Director (Acting)Office of PopulationAffairs/Office of FamilyPlanningBethesda, Md.WORKINGGROUP:YOUNGMEN’SSEXUALANDREPRODUCTIVEHEALTH 5*Edward W. Pitt, M.S.W.Senior Researcher & Co-DirectorThe Fatherhood ProjectWork and Families InstituteNew York, N.Y.Laura Porter Research AssociateThe Urban InstituteWashington, D.C.Cory L. RichardsVice President for Public Policy The Alan Guttmacher InstituteWashington, D.C.Felicity Skidmore, M.A.Senior Research EditorThe Urban InstituteWashington, D.C.Freya Sonenstein, Ph.D.DirectorPopulation Studies CenterThe Urban InstituteWashington, D.C.Sam TaylorActing DirectorOffice of Family Planning/Officeof Population AffairsBethesda, Md.*Jerry Tello, M.S.Director, National LatinoFatherhood and Family InstituteLos Angeles, Calif.Jennifer Todd, Dr.P.H.Research FellowOffice of Family Planning/Officeof Population AffairsBethesda, Md.Kathleen M. Woodall, B.S.N.,ARNP,C.Director of Regional OperationsU.S. DHHS/OPHSOffice of Population Affairs/Office of Family PlanningBethesda, Md.* Working Group: Young Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health steering committee TABLE OF CONTENTSAcknowledgments ..................................................................................................