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Bridges to Opportunity for Underprepared Adults: A State Policy Guide for Community College Leaders

Bridges to Opportunity for Underprepared Adults: A State Policy Guide for Community College Leaders

Bridges to Opportunity for Underprepared AdultsA State Policy Guide for Community College Leaders©2008 Bridges to Opportunity Initiative OVERVIEWAbout this GuideThis guide is based on lessons from the Community College Bridges to Opportunity Initiative. Funded by the Ford Foundation,Bridges was a multi-year effort designed to bring about changes in state policy that improve education and employment outcomes for educationally and economically disadvantaged adults.The guide is intended for governors, legislators, and state agency officials who are concerned about the competitiveness of their state’s workforce. It will be especially useful to leaders in states with few well-educated workers to replace retiring Baby Boomers or in those with large low-skill immigrant populations. The guide is also intended for business and labor leaders. In many parts of the country, there is a strong need for skilled labor to fill “middle skill” positions, which require postsecondary training but not necessarily a bachelor’s degree. Employers and labor groups in every industry want to see incumbent workers in their industries stay up-to-date with new technology and business practices. Groups that advocate on behalf of low-income people will also find the guide useful. Those who are interested in reducing barriers for underprepared adults to pursue and succeed in collegiate work through two-year college credentials and on to a bachelor’s degree will find helpful tips and tools in this publication. And, finally, the guide is designed as a resource for college presidents, trustees, and other education leaders who are seeking ways to better serve their communities. Improving Outcomes of Underprepared Adults, which follows the Introduction, describes what states can do to break down barriers that stand in the way of success of many underprepared adult students at community colleges. It includes examples of supportive policies implemented by the six Bridges states.Successful Efforts: Bridges Case Studies examines the efforts of three states, Louisiana, Ohio and Washington, which among the six Bridges states have advanced the furthest in implementing the Bridges theory of change. The experience of these three states – each with very different higher education systems – shows that it is possible to change state policy in ways that encourage community colleges to better serve underprepared adults. Strategies and Tools describes “toolkits” that were developed through the Bridges initiative. These toolkits can help state and local leaders implement key elements of a comprehensive strategy for cultivating state policies that support increased success by underprepared adults. Individual toolkits, which provide an in-depth “how to” manual with tools and tips from the field, are contained on a CD that accompanies this guide and are also available online at www.communitycollegecentral.org. Putting Strategies and Tools into Practice outlines steps for putting strategies for policy change into practice. It presents guidelines on getting started for stakeholders within and outside state government, and it provides tips on overcoming common obstacles that might be encountered. This section concludes with a summary of roles for leaders from key stakeholder groups in advocating for improved educational and career outcomes for underprepared adults.1. OVERVIEWTable of Contents ABOUT THIS GUIDE TABLE Of COnTEnTS ACKnOWLEDGEMEnTS InTRODUCTIOn • The Challenge of Underprepared Adult Workers • Guiding Principles of the Bridges Model IMPROVInG OUTCOMES Of UnDERPREPARED ADULTS: ROLES fOR STATE POLICY • Education Disconnects that Create Barriers to Success • Roles for State Policy in Bridging the Disconnects SUCCESSfUL EffORTS: BRIDGES CASE S TUDIES • Washington State: A Mission-Driven State Agency • Ohio: The Power of Stakeholder Engagement • Louisiana: A Case Study of Effective Strategic Communications and Advocacy • Common Strategies for Policy Reform STRATEGIES AnD T OOLS • Linking Educational Opportunity and Economic Development • Using State Data to Inform Improvements in Policy and Practice • Creating Career Pathways to Accelerate College and Career Success • Bridging the Gap between Remedial Education and Credentials and Careers • Financing Community Colleges to Better Serve Underprepared Adults • Making the Case for Community College: Tools for Communications Advocacy PUTTInG STRATEGIES AnD TOOLS InTO PRACTICE • Getting Started • Overcoming Obstacles to Systemic Change • Actions for Key Stakeholders EnDnOTES nOTES1. 2. 3. 4. 9. 20. 30. OVERVIEWAcknowledgementsWe are indebted to the Ford Foundation for its generous support of this work. Special thanks go to John Colborn and