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Supporting Literacy in Out-of-School Time: OST Early Literacy Quality Tool

Supporting Literacy in Out-of-School Time: OST Early Literacy Quality Tool

Supporting Literacy in Out-of-School Time:OST Early Literacy Quality ToolPrepared by Research for Action • Rachel Comly • October 2017 OST Early Literacy Quality Tool • 1OST Early Literacy Quality ToolThe OST Early Literacy Quality Tool is a decision-making tool for out-of-school time (OST) providers seeking to im-prove or create early literacy supports. The tool provides questions to consider for providers who currently offer early literacy programming or who may offer literacy programming in the future. These questions are meant to engage providers in understanding whether their program is “on track” with regard to the ingredients and conditions for high quality OST programming, as well as thinking about areas they can improve. It can also help providers in the planning phase to develop high-quality literacy programming. The areas this tool addresses are practices, approaches, and conditions which research indicates lead to positive outcomes for students. They are described in Research for Ac-tion’s literature review, Supporting Literacy in Out-of-School Time: Summary of Evidence (June 2017). The tool begins with a conditions checklist for considering if the OST program has the conditions (e.g., positive relationships, connection to school) to be in a strong position to offer early literacy support. The tool has charts tied to program quality areas to support providers in understanding how their program aligns with the ingredients of high quality literacy OST programming. Finally, the tool offers a checklist for providers to consider if they have the ingre-dients to serve English Language Learners (ELLs). On page 14, providers can take notes about how their program aligns with the high quality program ingredients and conditions in order to identify areas to improve and to how to best support high quality literacy OST programming. OST Early Literacy Quality Tool • 2Is the program in a strong position to offer effective early literacy support?Conditions ...................................................................................................................................................................3Does the program have appropriate staffing and training? Staffing and Training ..................................................................................................................................................4Are program staff supported with literacy expertise?Literacy Expertise .......................................................................................................................................................5Does the program focus on essential literacy skills? Literacy Content: Focus .............................................................................................................................................6Does the program have a structure or plan? Literacy Content: Curriculum and Structure ............................................................................................................7Does the program engage participants with computer-based programs? Literacy Content: Computer-Based Program ...........................................................................................................8Does the program engage participants with books? Literacy Content: Books .............................................................................................................................................9Does the program use data to inform instruction and program quality? Literacy Content: Use of Data .................................................................................................................................10Does the program offer an appropriate amount of time for literacy? Other OST Program Goals: Time Needed ............................................................................................................11Does the program involve non-academic activities? Other OST Program Goals: Non-Academic Activities ........................................................................................12If the program serves English Language Learners, does it use promising practices? Promising Practices for Serving English Language Learners ..............................................................................13How does the program align with high quality program ingredients and conditions? OST Early Literacy Quality Worksheet .................................................................................................................14Table of Contents OST Early Literacy Quality Tool • 3ConditionsOST Program Quality and Positive RelationshipsIs there a positive and safe emotional climate in the OST program?Are there positive relationships between the staff and students in the program?Are there positive relationships between the program and the community it serves?Parent InvolvementAre parents involved in the OST program?Connection to SchoolDoes the program connect to the school day and a