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Montana State Match Supplement - Content Standards

Montana State Match Supplement - Content Standards

STATE MATCH SUPPLEMENT Montana Content Standards Communication Arts, Mathematics, and Science Grades 8–12 and EXPLORE®, PLAN®, the ACT®, and WorkKeys® June 2010 ©2010 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved. List of Supplement Tables Table Page 1A MONTANA End of Grade 8 Communication Arts Content Standards with Corresponding EXPLORE College Readiness Standards ................................................................................................... S-1 1B MONTANA Upon Graduation Communication Arts Content Standards with Corresponding PLAN College Readiness Standards....... S-11 1C MONTANA Upon Graduation Communication Arts Content Standards with Corresponding ACT College Readiness Standards ........ S-30 1D MONTANA Upon Graduation Communication Arts Content Standards with Corresponding WorkKeys Skills ...................................... S-52 2A MONTANA End of Grade 8 Mathematics Content Standards with Corresponding EXPLORE College Readiness Standards ....................... S-58 2B MONTANA Upon Graduation Mathematics Content Standards with Corresponding PLAN College Readiness Standards ........................ S-64 2C MONTANA Upon Graduation Mathematics Content Standards with Corresponding ACT College Readiness Standards ......................... S-71 2D MONTANA Upon Graduation Mathematics Content Standards with Corresponding WorkKeys Skills........................................................ S-79 3A MONTANA End of Grade 8 Science Content Standards with Corresponding EXPLORE College Readiness Standards ....................... S-84 3B MONTANA Upon Graduation Science Content Standards with Corresponding PLAN College Readiness Standards............................... S-92 3C MONTANA Upon Graduation Science Content Standards with Corresponding ACT College Readiness Standards ............................... S-100 3D MONTANA Upon Graduation Science Content Standards with Corresponding WorkKeys Skills............................................................. S-109 Communication Arts Mathematics Science ii Preface This document is a supplement to the State Match Montana Content Standards Communication Arts, Mathematics, and Science Grades 8–12 and EXPLORE, PLAN, the ACT, and WorkKeys (June 2010). This supplement identifies specific ACT College Readiness Standards that correspond to each Montana Standard in a side-by-side format. The left side of each page presents the Montana Content Standards (highlighted if measured by ACT’s corresponding testing program). The right side of each page presents the specific ACT College Readiness Standard(s) and WorkKeys skill(s) that correspond to each Montana Standard. Montana Content Standards listed here are from the Montana Content Standards as presented on the Montana Office of Public Instruction website in April 2010. Montana Content Standards Adopted Communication Arts January 2010 Mathematics September 2009 Science November 2006 iii SUPPLEMENT TABLES 1A–1D: COMMUNICATION ARTS TABLE 1A Montana Communication Arts Content Standards End of Grade 8 EXPLORE College Readiness Standards Standard 1: Speaking and Listening Students know and understand the role of the communi-cation process and demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills. Students will: 1.1. analyze and explain how the components of the communication process affect communication 1.2. apply verbal and nonverbal delivery techniques to communicate effectively 1.3. apply effective listening strategies to fit the purpose, situation, and setting of the communication 1.4. select and narrow topics for specific occasions and develop an appropriate introduction, body and conclusion to deliver speeches 1.5. adapt communication to a variety of formal and informal audiences, settings and purposes 1.6. use feedback to monitor and adjust speaking and listening effectiveness 1.7. compare and contrast the verbal and nonverbal aspects of storytellers, the behaviors of audiences, and the settings and purposes of stories in the oral traditions of different cultures, including Montana American Indians 1.8. explain the importance of communicating ethically, including effectively referencing sources and displaying respectful communication to individuals and groups Montana End of Grade 8 Communication Arts Content Standards S-1 = Measured by EXPLORE English and/or Reading tests TABLE 1A Montana Communication Arts Content Standards End of Grade 8 EXPLORE Reading College Readiness Standards Content Standard 2: Reading Students read by applying foundational skills and strategies to comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate texts. Students will: 2.1. apply knowledge of word and sentence structure, analysis of word parts and context to decode unknown words Meanings of Words: