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The Condition of College and Career Readiness 2015�Colorado

The Condition of College and Career Readiness 2015�Colorado

The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2015Colorado ColoradoThe Condition of College & Career Readiness 2015The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2015 is the ACT annual report on the progress of US high school graduates relative to college readiness. This year’s report shows that 59% of students in the 2015 US graduating class took the ACT® test, up from 57% last year and 49% in 2011. The increased number of test takers over the past several years enhances the breadth and depth of the data pool, providing a comprehensive picture of the current graduating class in the context of college readiness as well as offering a glimpse at the emerging educational pipeline.The ACT: Now More Than EverACT has a longstanding commitment to improving college and career readiness. Through our research, our thought leadership, and our solutions, we seek to raise awareness of issues and best practices aimed at helping individuals achieve education and workplace success. As the landscape of education and assessment rapidly shifts and state education and economic development agendas converge, ACT is uniquely positioned to inform decisions at the individual, institutional, system, and agency levels. As a research-based nonprofit organization, ACT is committed to providing information and solutions to support the following:• Holistic View of Readiness. Our research shows that the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards can help prepare students for college and career success. However, we understand that academic readiness is just one of several factors that contribute to educational success. One 2014 ACT report, Broadening the Definition of College and Career Readiness: A Holistic Approach, shows academic readiness—long the sole focus of monitoring college readiness—as one of four critical domains in determining an individual’s readiness for success in college and career. Crosscutting skills, behavioral skills, and the ability to navigate future pathways are also important factors to measure and address. Together, these elements define a clear picture of student readiness for postsecondary education. To encourage progress, the educational system needs to monitor and sustain all key factors of success.• Stability and Validity of Data. ACT is committed to maintaining the integrity and credibility of the 1–36 score scale, a scale that is familiar to and valued by the many stakeholders served by ACT. Leveraging the power of longitudinal data means avoiding dramatic shifts in the reporting structure.• Promoting Access. Serving the needs of our many stakeholders is a focal point for ACT. We will continue to explore ways to expand college access for all students, promoting initiatives to better meet the needs of underserved learners and developing solutions and services that make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Through new avenues such as online testing, initiating campaigns targeted at underserved students, and supporting organizations aligned with our mission, ACT is working to reach and help a greater number of individuals.• Continuous Improvement Without the Need for Radical Change. ACT is committed to providing a wider range of solutions, across a broader span of life’s decision points, in an increasingly individualized manner so that all can benefit. This has led us to a mode of continuous improvement. However, our goal is to avoid radical change so as to assist our users with transition. Our research agenda takes into account the changes in education and workplace practice and the demographics and evolving needs of those we serve. Accordingly, when research and evidence dictate, we will continue to make necessary changes in our recommendations and/or solutions, including discontinuing outdated programs and services, to bring clarity to the market.• Providing Meaningful Data for Better Decisions. ACT is focused on providing better data to students, parents, schools, districts, and states so that all can make more informed decisions to improve outcomes. We accomplish this goal by taking a holistic view and using consistent and reliable historical information, so that individuals and institutions have a better context to make critical decisions about the journey they have undertaken. Using This Report1This report is designed to help educators understand and answer the following questions:• Are your students graduating from high school prepared for college and career?• Are enough of your students taking core courses necessary to be prepared for success, and are those courses rigorous enough?• What are the most popular majors/occupations, and what does the pipeline for each look like?• What other dimensions of college and career readiness, outside of academic readiness, should educators measure and track?We sincerely hope this report will serve as a call to action—or even as a wake-up call—that our nation’s current policies and practices are not having the desired effect of increasing the college and career r